Before the trip, P and I was struggling with the idea of hiring a cab for a day.
One main reason is the price.
A day trip can cost you at least NT2500 and up to NT4000.
But we wanted the comfort of not having to take public transport and wasting time doing so.
We finally decided to go with Mr Lu (吕先生) at the price of NT3000.
It was a great choice. Mr Lu is very nice and friendly. He treats us like friends more than customers.
He alerted us about some scams happening around, and his driving is very smooth.
The seats are clean, comfortable and spacious.
Thanks to this great decision, P and I only need to crawl out of bed at 8am.
Mr Lu reached earlier at about 8.50am.
We told him we haven't had anything yet and asked if he could introduce us somewhere for breakfast.
He drove us to Yong He Dou Jiang Da Wang (永和豆漿大王) for breakfast.
Everything here for less than SGD $10!
Fried egg pancake with ham. :)
Tang bao (Soup buns)
We ordered soy milk, you tiao, tang bao and fried egg with ham.
Everything there is cheap and good. They also have an outlet at Xi Men Ding.
Before the trip, I've told Mr Lu the places I wanted to visit.
He then plan the day accordingly.
First stop : Rainbow Village. (彩虹眷村)
Rainbow village is the nearest to Taichung.
When we reached the place, Mr Lu showed us around, introducing the people around to us.
Mr Iron Man, also known as the mascot of Rainbow Village.
Be sure to tip him! He gave us a postcard each and took a few selfie with us.
Rainbow village is very small and can be covered within 15mins.
The government has since built public toilet and a free car park for tourist there.
We went around taking photos of the beautiful work of Grandpa Rainbow. (彩虹爷爷)
Remember to donate or buy a souvenir to show support!
Second stop : Carton King Creativity Park (紙箱王)
Carton King is a little further down from rainbow village.
The entry fee is NT 200 (With NT100 voucher)
Mr Lu has very kindly offered to help us chop the ticket to redeem a souvenir.
But we rejected his nice gesture as we prefer to chop it ourselves.(:
The Carton King is split into parts.
Animals made out of carton.
We used up our NT200 voucher buying a piece of Tiramisu and a cup of honey lemon tea.
And because they do have a Bee House, their honey is really great.
If you're a fan of honey, you might want to use the voucher to purchase a bottle of the honey.
After gathering all the chops, we exchange it for a card holder.
It was really an eye opener to see what people can do with cartons. Interesting place to visit.
Third stop : Lavender Cottage Farm (薰衣草森林)
Mr Lu suggested that we go to the Lavender Cottage Farm first as it was the furthest from the main road.
The entry fee is NT 200 (With NT200 voucher)
The trip took about 45mins. When we are finally there, Mr Lu offered to take photos for us.
You get to send yourself a postcard here and they will mail it to you for free.
This place is awesome! Almost magical. Lol.
I always loved the smell of lavender, and everything inside smells like lavender.
Even the bathroom soap is lavender.
*Washes hand 2897 times*
And we bought lavender flavor ice cream to try.
We thought it would taste weird but surprising it taste very creamy and smooth!
Paid using our voucher.
The view there is great. P and I walked around taking pictures and writing wishes and hang them up.
And with our remaining voucher, we bought a jar of lavender cookie.
After visiting the lavender cottage farm, Mr Lu wanted to show us the land of Flower Sea (中社花海).
He said the flowers only bloom around late October - November.
So if you are traveling during that period, you might want to visit the place as the entry is FREE.
What we saw is of cos a big field of nothingness. Lol.
Mr Lu also passed us 2 bottles of drinking water.
Forth stop : Mushroom Garden (百菇莊)
If you're a big fan of mushroom like P and I, this IS the place for you!!
At Xinshe, almost 90% of the people are farmers. The main product is mushroom!
Down at mushroom garden, you get to visit the farm where mushroom grows.
The best part is of cos eating them!
P and I being greedy, ordered everything on the menu.
Yes haha everything!!! Eat ALL the mushroom!
We challenged each other to try the erotic ice cream flavor. Mushroom ice cream.
But I read from blog that it taste like frozen mushroom soup, which is a major turn off.
So we didn't try it in the end hahaha.
We bought a packet of mushroom kimchi, which taste a bit weird but edible because I finished it. :p
Then we went to visit the farm!
Fifth stop : Summit Resort (新社古堡)
Summit Resort is located next to mushroom garden.
This is the most expensive attraction of all.
The entry fee is NT 250 (With NT100 voucher)
As soon as we got in, Mr Lu went to purchase 3 boxes of fish food.
Then he passed them to P & I to feed the fishes.
We are really touched by his nice gesture. :')
After feeding the fish he offered to help us take photos again before leaving us to roam the place.
The place is really nice, but quite boring in my view.
We went to buy coffee and the coffee is SUPER overpriced and only 1 voucher can be used during one transaction. KNS
This place really damn cheat money. But if you like how the place look you might still want to visit it.
We sat there and chilled with our coffee and lost track of time. We nearly forget that we still got 2 more places to visit!
Sixth stop : Dong Dong Yam Ball (東東芋圓)
Personally I don't really feel like eating after the mushroom feast.
But Mr Lu strongly suggested that the Yam Ball is one of the best in town.
We bought a bowl to share. P loves it and I didn't even take a single bite.

Seventh stop : Moncoeur (心之芳庭)
I guess everyone would know Taiwan gets really dark after 6pm.
It's like pitch dark without any street lights.
I regretted coming to this place as we failed to see anything.
The entry fee is NT 200 (With NT200 voucher).
But since we already paid for it, we decided to utilize our voucher before going off.
Ordered anything from the shop and they will give you a heart shaped balloon with your queue number. ♥
We bought the fresh fruits ice cream set which is NT200 with 2 flavors.
Chose Strawberry and blueberry.
Never go wrong with berries♥
After eating we spent the rest of the voucher at the gift shop.
Moncoeur is part of Lavender cottage farm.
And that explains why they are selling the same products.
It is already 6 plus when we leave Moncoeur.
Mr Lu waited for us outside and took a picture for us before sending us back.
It is closed to 7pm when we reached our Eiffel Tower and Mr Lu still offers to wait for us and then send us to Feng Jia Night Market.
He is just too nice and we didn't want to take advantage of him. So we decided to tell him we are ok with walking over.
We passed him the NT3000 only at the end of the day.
Please consider Mr Lu if you are visiting Xinshe!!
Mr Lu (吕先生)
Day trip from 9am - 6pm
You can whatsapp him at +886 986770089
He can only read and speak Mandarin.
Final stop : Feng Jia Night Market (逢甲夜市)
Pig outttttt
Please do not eat here, the food is not really nice and very expensive!
My 7-11 is still the best.
Woohoo best lala ever!
The chicken chest meat is as tender as of the leg!
Best chicken ever! The boss is very friendly too!
Heard this is pretty good but I think it's overrated.
Couldn't even finish half of everything.
Greedy P ordered so much.
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