I woke up at 5.30am to wash up and wait for my make up artist to arrive.
My MUA is Winnie, she is very friendly and understanding.
You can whatsapp her at 94230553.
I paid an additional $480 for her service but it was worth it. :)
She reached on time and that really saved me from worrying.


My wedding made me realized how lucky I am.
My JieMei(s) waking up early and cab over to make sure everything is in order.
And I have to do is to sit inside the air con room and look pretty. (:

The gate crash food. Ew!

I don't really want a complicated hairstyle because I predict that the day will be long and I don't want to feel uncomfortable.
So I opted for a simple bun hairstyle in the morning.

My beautiful nails done at The Nail Artelier.
This set cost $99 if you're wondering.
I like to keep things simple so I was really chill with the blings.
Kindly sponsored by Shanny & Lizhi!
Why so loved. :')
Took some pictures before the guys arrived.
A lot of my relatives came over to watch the gatecrashing.
With baobei popo♥
My family.(:
Most of the people I've met told me that I don't look like anyone in the family. LOL.

When P is about to arrive, my parents covered the veil for me.
Typically parents should pin the veil but nowadays the MUA is afraid that it might ruin the hairstyle, so the MUA will pin the veil instead.
It is also said that once the veil is down, nobody except your husband can lift it up fully.

POR POR~ and here comes Mr Teng. (:

My nephew Xaiver helped open the door.
We chose him because he really likes P.
The brothers.
P's very fake smile when he sees the gatecrash items hahaha!

The first and most typical game - Food tasting!
We named the food with some atas name to make the guys feel better. LOL.

Lizhi explaining the game to them.

Long Island Ice Tea - Sour
Made with lemon, lime and vinegar.

Heard them shouting YAMMM SENGG!

Creme Brulee - Sweet
Made with pudding and caramel.
Topping : Sugar.

Green Temptation - Bitter
Made up of diced raw bitter gourd with mayonnaise.
Topping : Lemon skin.

Flaming Crepe - Spicy
Made with wasabi sandwiched between 2 biscuits with chili padi sauce.
Topping : Chopped chili padi.

Round 2 - Finding the bride's lip.

My sis explaining the game.

P actually guessed my lips correctly on the first try! LOL!
But the sisters wanted to make the guys do the forfeit game so they were all like "Omg shit he's right but NOPE!"

The forfeit is for the groom to kiss his brothers at different spots.
When they finally made P kissed all his brothers, they finally say "Ya ba, I think you are correct"

Round 3 - To see how much P knows about me.

P face is like -_-???
But he got 7 out of 10.
Which is not too bad considering the fact that some questions are very difficult.
Etc : What is the colour of the top she wore on the first date?

The forfeit for getting the wrong answer is to do yoga.

LOL! Heng nobody break their pants.
Last round - Dancing game (Most popular)

Shanny showing them video of Girl's Day Expectation.

Although they didn't dance very nicely but you can tell at least they tried.
So my very kind sisters let them off.
Group picture!

The most civilize way to give away gatecrash angbao.
Mad funny. My sisters are too busy with making sure everything turns out well and nobody even opened the angbao.
Andddd finally.
I always saw online where the husband be like "whoah my wife so pretty" *sob*
P is just like "Hi bb:)"
Me :"Hi semo hi?! Wo mei ma?!" (Am I pretty?!)
Then he laughed and say "Mei ah~"
-_- not sincere one.

Hahaha my cutesy sisters.

P wearing my shoes for me.
I think I am the only bride that wear flats because I am too tall for heels.

Mummy sheltering me from negative energy with the red umbrella.
Usually the dad will do it, but in my case I prefer to have my mum do it as she is the one who has been protecting me from any harm since birth.

Xie xie Mummy. I love you.

Throwing the red fan out from the car while it drove off.
It is to show that I will return to my house even after getting married.
Instead of going straight to P's place to have tea ceremony, we headed to Upper Seletar Reservoir (where P proposed to me) to have an outdoor photo shoot.

I really really love the photos!
My actual day PG is Dick from WMA production.
He is fun and professional but can be quite rude sometimes.
My popo almost quarreled with him LOL.

I tossed the poor flowers for 5-6 times for the PG and VG to capture a "perfect"moment.

And our poor brothers and sisters had to run to catch it for 5-6 times too.
Thank you everyone for being so sporting. ♥

Last group picture before leaving.
Walao that crane -.-

Cutie Kingston tried very very hard to open the car door.
I feel like opening it for him. >.<

And he ran off without getting the angbao. LOL cutieeeee.

I am thankful for the perfect weather.
Not too hot nor rainy.
Thank you everyone and everything.

I am so glad I get to marry off with a bright smile on a bright day.

Bai Ti Gong.

Auntie mummy serving us dessert.

They asked us to just eat a small mouthful but I ate the whole egg.
The only thing I ate is a bread in the morning at 5.30am!!!

P's popo.

Elderly normally will give jewelries instead of Angbao for the tea ceremony.
Hehe I can has gold and pearls.

Contrary to popular belief on how daughter in law cannot stand their MIL, I actually like my MIL.
Might be because I have been to P's house for 6 years and we interact a lot.

Last group picture with 1/4 of the relatives before I change into KUA.

P taking off my veil. #fakeone
He couldn't do it so my sister removed the pin and he just stood there to take a picture.
My sisters helped me changed and I am out to take pictures with everyone again.

I actually stared at the buffet spread and lao bak sai inside.
But everyone just keep running over to take pictures with me.
Wedding is really the most tiring + hungriest day of my entire life add ups.
After photo taking, we went back to my place for another round of Tea Ceremony.

Mega troublesome.
We have to go here and there for 29879 times.
In the past, people actually used 3 days to complete everything.
But nowadays we just chop chop everything settle in one day.

Maybe I look a bit cheena, that's why everyone says I look nice in KUA.
Fair skinned people suits red and gold.

This picture is so awkward I don't even.

After serving teas to 8368964 relatives, the younger one will served us tea.

We didn't prepared enough Angbao because we didn't think everyone will want to serve us tea.
That is when we realized how many younger cousins we have. T^T

Last set of pictures before everyone went for lunch.
We catered a 10 courses buffet at about $300+ at my place.
I had some food FINALLY and we rested awhile before getting ready for the second part of the day.
To be continue.
Read 2nd part here : Actual Wedding Day (Night)
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