We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo~
How about you, you, you~
You can come too, too, too~
We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo~~~
P brought me to the Zoo to celebrate my birthday in advance.
He bought me Big Mac for breakfast together with artificial flowers before we head for the zoo.
Weather is fine when we're in the bus.
But as soon as we reached there, it started raining.
We're both hopeful, thinking that the rain will stop soon.
Thus we still purchase the ticket and went in.
The price of a ticket is $20! O.O
I remember paying only $8.50 the last time I went to Zoo.
Erm, okay...
Pay so much must take a lot of photos to make it worthwhile hahaha.
Took photos outside with fake animals.

LOL! P taking photo with the same babirusa
We followed the map closely so that we'll not miss any animal~
The Zoo is not really THAT big but the road is kinda confusing.
We did missed a lot of attraction;
Like the petting zoo. (A place for you to abuse the already traumatized rabbits)
Anyway more pictures & less talk.

The real Babirusa.

I'll always end up tying my hair.
And to our dismay,
The rain got even bigger. :((
Got no other choice but to look for place with shelter.
And we're just in time for the animal show.

The female lead's voice is like shit.
Super high pitch & act cute.
After watching, we went to chill inside B&J's.
Ordered double cookie with strawberry cheesecake & raspberry ice cream!

HAHA I can never pose with food for too long.
The rain got so big that almost all the animals doesn't come out.
Wanted to go back to B&J's but suddenly it's fully packed.
Stood inside KFC near the children's corner for an hour until someone finally leaves and we got a seat.
Had lunch there while waiting for the rain to stop.
Sunshine after rain.
But the Zoo is near to closing time.
I won't encourage anyone to visit the Zoo even if the rain is not that heavy.
Because you'll not get to see any outdoor's animals AT ALL.
Totally ruined my mood.
But after P cheered me up, we continue the journey back to the entrance/exit taking another routine which allows us to see animals that we didn't see earlier on.

Poor guy all wet.

Then we also visited the mini "farm".

Samba kang kong.

LOL this is taken outside a toilet.
Went back to my place.
Meet up with Mum & Sis for dinner.
But overall it's still a good day hanging out with P.
Ending the post with the most awesome random shot I took today.