You're a fool when you let people affect your mood.
People can control your mood only if you allowed them to.
Maybe it's because I've seen too much to judge what's right and wrong.
Or perhaps it's because I don't make an effort to give a damn anymore.
Backstab by Friends
Past : I'll cry my eye balls out and feel heartbroken.
Now : No big deal, life goes on better without hypocrites.
People venting anger on me
Past : Felt miserable, cry.
Now : Ignored and do my own stuffs.
People complaining about me behind my back
Past : Pissed and cursed.
Now : Laugh at how immature they are, or rather, how gutless they are.
People commenting about my Ang Mo
Past : Felt disgrace to be Chinese.
Now : At least I can speak brilliant mandarin and average English and still improving.
(Better than some bitches that only can speak a bit better than average English and failed Chinese.)
I used to think crying is the only way.
But no.
When there is a problem, solve it.
I used to think cursing will make myself feel better.
But no.
When you're unhappy about a person/thing, move away from it.
I'm born a fool but decided not to stay as one.
I am not a saint to tell anyone what to do and what not to do,
But I am glad about who I am now.
You know my name,
Not my story.
So you're not allowed to judge me. =)
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