P and I decided not to have kid immediately after we got married because our BTO is not ready.
But after our first wedding anniversary, we decided that it is time to have a baby.
My awesome co-worker JC gave me 2 boxes of ovulation kit to increase the chance of having a baby.
I spent the whole of Jan and Feb wasting the kit away with no result.
By the end of March when I was tested negative, I sort of give up because I ran out of the kit. LOL.
So I booked a plane ticket to Taiwan with P on May to celebrate his 26th birthday.
One week before the trip, my period was due.
I have had never missed a period my entire life.
I went to test for pregnancy and saw a faint pink positive line. :O!!!

I sent the photo to P but we are both skeptical about it.
So I took another test later at night when he's home.
And the faint line is still there.
I went to the polyclinic the next day to confirm my pregnancy.
I was both happy and troubled by the news.
The gynae at public hospital refused to see me until I am 8 weeks.
But I am flying off to Taiwan in a few days time.
I wanted to know if I am fit for traveling.
In the end we decided to go to a private hospital.
We spent almost $500 on the first bill which kinda shocked P & I.
And we didn't get to see anything from the ultrasound scan.
My gynae told us there are 3 possibility;
1. False positive pregnancy result - My body might believed that I am pregnancy when I am not.
2. Baby is outside the uterus - Which is dangerous.
3. Baby is too small to be seen - Baby is only 5 weeks old.
My gynae advised us against flying as it is unsafe to travel during first trimester.
But I wasn't prepared to forfeit an already paid trip thus we proceeded.
I spent the whole week in Taiwan vomiting and having muscle cramp.
When we are back, we went to visit the gynae again.
And this time, little Teng finally appears on the ultrasound scan.

Little Teng at 6 weeks
A lot of people told me about this magical moment.
Most of them cried in joy.
But I felt almost nothing, I mean hey it's cool and everything but the baby just looked like a round circle.
P smiled at me when we saw the tiny dot and then went back to his expressionless face. LOL.
We waited another month before going back for another appointment.
Another $400 gone. T_T

Little Teng at 10 weeks
Obviously little Teng grew a lot bigger this time and we are able to see the heart beating.
I vomit almost daily and lost 2kg.
Both P and I took a blood test.
Which cost another $100.
We decided to stick with the gynae and Thomson Medical.
So we applied for the membership.

Every day I feel like dying.
I cannot remember anything, all I wanted to do is to sleep.
I vomit out everything that I eat. It felt like my gastric ulcer all over again.
Another month passed and I lost another kilogram.
The gynae is a bit worried but also told me it is normal for people to loss weigh during first trimester.

Little Teng at 15 weeks, doing a head stand.
It is the first time we get to hear the heartbeat.
Gynae said the heartbeat is loud and strong.
I felt very relieved after hearing that.
I was also asked to start taking supplements as I am at the start of my 2nd trimester.

I am an extremely lazy person.
Following a routine daily is a pain in the ass for me.
But for little Teng, I am proud to say I never forget to take the supplements. *beams with pride*
Since I'm at the start of my 2nd trim, we decided it's time to make a baby announcement.
P is a hardcore Arsenal fan, we didn't know the baby's gender yet but we bought little Teng an Arsenal jersey too.

I made this banner to post on facebook when I am 16 weeks.
Little Teng's EDD is around the 2nd week of Jan.
By 2nd trim my vomiting finally stop but I started to have backache and cravings.
Despite working long hours, P always travel to places to buy me the food that I am craving for.
He is always there, taking care of me, giving me back and leg rub when I am in pain.
He took leave and accompanied me to every gynae appointments.
I stopped working and he never complains to me about money.
He told me he just want me to be happy and healthy throughout the whole pregnancy.
He will take weeks to consider if he should spend $30 on a second hand game.
But without any hesitation he would spent $200 on a pair of ear ring when I lost my previous one.
I am really glad that my baby is going to have an amazing dad. :)

Little Teng at 21 weeks
Haha little Teng's side profile looked 80% like mine.
Round nose with peaky lips.
Anddddd little Teng's a baby girl! :)
While I am having the detailed scan, I was in pain because the Dr in charged of the scan is very rough.
She keep hitting my stomach (I don't even know if she is allowed to do that -_-) because little Teng refused to move her legs.
She is very frustrated and unprofessional throughout the session.
She kept complaining how stubborn the baby is, and proceeded to press and shake my stomach with the ultrasound wand.
She finally gave up when I am in great pain and asked us to come back an hour later.
We went back slightly earlier and overheard her complaining to one of her co-workers. -_-"
But all is well because little Teng's healthy and doing fine inside.
But me, not too well. I am having a red and sore patch on my stomach.
I try to divert my attention and I turned to look at P sitting beside me looking at the ultrasound screen.
He was smiling from ear to ear.
At this very moment, it is the first time I felt like crying.
Not from the pain lol but from P's expression.
I feel that whatever I've to go through is worth the while.
I've made the guy that meant the world to me a very happy man. :')
After confirming little Teng's gender, we went shopping!

P bought baby her first pair of shoe!
The shoes cost $19.90 lol wtf so expensive.
And P's mum is spamming her cart with a lot of pink stuffs too.

No prize for guessing the baby's gender lol.
29 more weeks to finally meet you little Teng!
Grow well inside Mummy! :)
We love you.
Signing off,
Mummy Teng.