Meet Elaine a.k.a wifey(Short form E) at 8am.
Went to collect our ferry ticket and had breakfast @Mac.
The ferry was pretty empty as it was a weekday.
There were not more than 10 people I guess.
Of cos, we camwhored on the ferry.
E refused to let me take a nap.
So I stayed half awake during the one hour journey.

We were greeted by the staff of KTM resort upon arrival.
We then hopped on to the mini bus with 8 others.

KTM resort is located 5 mins away from Sekupang ferry terminal.
Once we reached, we went to check in and was served drinks.

I don't know what it is, but it taste sweet and refreshing.

Haha! I tortured her to carry all the stuffs while I talk pictures. :x

The swimming pool. :)

We got the first villa left from the lobby.
Nice~ No need to walk too much.
The only thing about the villa is that we have to climb the stairs up & down.

Outside of our villa.
The person at the lobby gave us the wrong card and we have to wait for them to exchange the card for us.
But the service is very good.

Le me waiting for the person to return with our card.
I must say I am amazed by how clean the place is.
Not even a single insect was found in the room.
And there's a nice scent & air conditional. O.0

THE THING I LOVED MOST is the balcony!
Breath taking view.

Could totally spent the whole day chilling outside having coffee...NOT.
Motherfucking shit. The balcony was actually shared with your "neighbor".
We are unlucky to share it with a FT look alike couple.
They super buay zhi dong(inconsiderate).
Muack muack at the balcony for most of the time.
To aviod being awkward E & I stayed in our room while they were outside.
We unpacked our stuffs and went to meet up with the group & went to Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall.
The first thing we did was to explore around the whole place before having our lunch.
E copycat bought a hello kitty passport holder. :p

Had lunch at A&W!

Bought a number of stuffs and saw a lot of shops selling fake stuffs.
Even the Hello Kitty stuffs there are fakes.

After we finished exploring all the shops, we went to the hypermart to buy maggie as supper.

Happy E with our loots!
Then we had some time left so E suggested having dessert @BFC.
Best Fried Chicken. ROFL.

We had ice kachang~
After that we hopped on the mini bus and went off.
Something happened.
Two china people (In the same tour) forget about the meeting time and didn't managed to get on the bus.
They called the villa & the bus driver was forced to U turn to fetch them.
Not near your know, almost 40 mins of bus ride from the resort to the shopping center.
And we were already HALFWAY back.
Fuck you xi ah tiong. _l_
You guys should take a cab back for being irresponsible.

It was already late evening when we reached the resort.
And we kinda missed the beautiful sunset.
Above is the only picture I had taken. *pouts*

Our loots!
We changed into our bikini wanting to go for a swim.
But the swimming pool is not very clean & E doesn't wants to swim.

Thus we just chilled by the pool for a while.
We headed back to our villa and changed into fresh clothes and go for dinner.

Ordered gonggong & chili crabs.
Fed the mosquito and went back with more than 20 bites on my legs. -.-

I took a bath while E was watching the 9pm show.

After awhile we ate our supper and went to bed.
Then something fucked our night up.
We heard long noise that goes "BANG BANG BANG!!!" & sounds of trees shaking.
Our bed was shaking and we woke up.
Was very scared for a moment and wondering what the fuck just happened.
But also too tired to check out what happened.
I dozed off immediately after we finished packing our stuffs.
You know, just in case something happened then we can run away.
And was praying that everything will be fine when the sun comes out.
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