Some times when I see couples that just got together and still in honeymoon period,
I got so envy of them.
Some times when I see couples that has been together for very long time and had a lot of problem,
I felt so glad of mine.
But is human born to be not contented?
Because I hope mine is a smooth journey yet stays in honeymoon.
I mean, who doesn't want to be in a long and sweet relationship?
I am so emotional drama mama and will cry at night when I miss P so much.
&I often think that he will love me lesser as time goes.
Because we got so busy at work and sees each other only on weekends.
But I am super glad P made an effort to show me that things always remains the same and he love me even more than he used to.
Thank you baby for making an effort to call me every night just to say good night. :)

&Thank you for this diamond necklace. :)